I don't like to write biographies, so here's some of the 'other things' I've done as well as being a street musician over the years. I'll add more as I remember it:

2002-2003: In this period I toured with several bands around Europe, including Milan, Belgium, Norway, Finland, and Germany. I also ended up on the Terry and Gary show with Gary Gibson (a John Lennon impersonator I've worked with). 

2004: Toured Russia and Ukraine for a month with a band. In Kiev I discovered that real Chicken Kiev's aren't battered like Captain Birdseye led me to believe. I have a vague memory of huge tropical fish on a boat hotel, and dancing girls who top up your vodka before you've finished it. In Russia we got escorted off a train at gunpoint for having the wrong visas and taken into a poverty stricken zone. Slept in a hotel which had blood on the sheets. Hallucinated seeing a ghost of a soldier walk through my room on a Russian war train. I learnt that when girls are either smiling at you in a bar or stood in an elevator in St Petersburg or Moscow, they are after your business. Got escorted out of the country by Mafia due to political issues that I'm still not sure about due to the language barrier. Arrived back to the UK skinny and white as a sheet. Crazy experience, although the movie Hostel makes me feel grateful to have survived it.

2005: Lived in a recording studio in Rochdale for 6 months. In this period I only recorded 2 original songs. I worked freelance as a backing track producer. It's a studio that Gary Barlow and Lisa Stansfield apparently used to use, but this needs to be verified.

2008/2009: I recorded and released an album called Chaos In The Sky. I sold just shy of 1000 copies. This album is no longer available in its entirety. I started donating half the proceeds to the Vital Sounds Foundation to raise awareness Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), in memory of a Southport lad Chris Haw. I then headlined the Jedi Music Festival to raise money for the same cause.

2010: I started playing a few gigs for Steven Gerrard at various events. I recorded and released an album called Journey Beyond. This was a 500 copy limited edition is also no longer available.

2011-2013: In this period I went off the rails and wrote most of my new material which is yet to be released. Christmas Day I was featured on the John Lewis advert The Bear And The Hare with my cover of Keane's Somewhere Only We Know.