Matthew Fearon has been performing full time in bars and restaurants now for 18 years. He started his career as a street performer on the streets of Southport and soon started getting asked to perform at venues and weddings.

In 2013 Matthew was John Lewis's Reworked winner, hand picked out of over 500 musicians by Keane to replace Lilly Allen on Christmas Day on The Bare And The Hare Advert.

In 2014 Matthew collaborated with Nick McCabe, guitarist from The Verve on Matthew's own song Soon To Be Called Rainbow.

2020. Matthew currently gigs at various venues across the country. He regularly performs at The Exchange Hotel in Cardiff several times per month. He has recently got a monthly residency at The Couch And Four in Wilmslow. You can also catch him at The Venue in Lymm, a music venue which he has regularly performed at for over 12 years. Other than that you can find Matthew performing around the Music Venues and bars of his home town in Southport.

Matthew has recently made a Coronavirus Parody of Imagine which went viral with over 500,000 views in a week over various social media platforms. The parody named Imagine (There's No Bog Roll) was his way of making people smile during this difficult time, and it even made a BBC news article named Coronavirus: The best and worst celebrity isolation videos Link Here